How can payments be made?
Once you choose a service, fill out the form and submit. An AlphaBravo team member will contact
you within 24 hours to arrange payment via PayPal, or direct transfer.
What do the prices listed cover?
The prices listed only cover service charge. Funds for shopping are separate (except for Mom to be
bundle). The budget for shopping can be determined by the customer.
What method of shipping is used?
Shipping is done by sea unless the customer request Air Transport.
When is freight and duty paid?
Freight fees and duty must be paid once shipment arrives to final destination.
Does AlphaBravo clear shipments from customs?
No, AlphaBravo Enterprise is not responsible for clearing items from customs however, we will
gladly refer you to one of our preferred brokers.
What are the forms of payment accepted?
PayPal, direct wire transfer, western union and Zelle are the only methods of payment accepted.